Une nouvelle publication University of Surrey & UNC


La collaboration de Anne-Laure Dotte (ERALO, UNC) au projet Optimal categorization porté par Michael Franjieh & co. de l’Université de Surrey (Royaume-Uni) a débouché sur une nouvelle publication intitulée « Implementing free-listing: possessive classifiers in Oceanic » (2022) et parue dans un numéro spécial de la revue Semantic Fieldwork Methods.

L’article est librement accessible en ligne en suivant ce lien.

Résumé :  We evaluate the design and implementation of the free-list experiment, which is a relatively easy method for exploring the membership of semantic categories (Weller and Romney 1988). Different factors that could affect the replicability and validity of the experiment are explored, and these are balanced with the need to work sensitively with speakers of endangered and minority language communities. By including aspects of a Participatory Research approach (van der Riet and Boettiger 2009), such as building rapport and respecting participants’ knowledge, the experimenter can extend
the free-list experiment to include wider discussions around the linguistic categories under study. We include a case study from our research on Oceanic possessive classifiers to show that a free-list experiment results in a wealth of data, and offers up opportunities for discussing and valorising different speakers’ understanding of linguistic categories.


Franjieh, Michael; Grandison, Alexandra; Dotte, Anne-Laure; Corbett, Greville G. 2022. Implementing free-listing: possessive classifier in Oceanic, in Lisa Matthewson and Jérémy Pasquereau (eds), Collecting semantic data: A sample of individual practices (volume 2) / Semantic Fieldwork Methods 4/2.